Finland's First War 1809 Against Kingdom of Sweden: The Kingdom of Sweden (Dictatorship, Noblemen) lost the war. The King of Sweden under the
pseudonym "Gustav IV Adolf" lost his crown . In 1818 he was replaced by Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte, pseudonym Charles XIV Juhana.
Norway was under Swedish Kings rule until 1905. Norway declared independence on 7 June 1905.
Finland's Second War 1918 against Kingdom of Sweden: In the Foundational Law of Finland, form of Government 1919: Democracy; "Let there be no noble values
or other hereditary values in the republic". Democracy of course caused some gray hairs in the head of the Swedish King and the Noblemen. The "Civillan war in Finland"
was an attempted coup using terrorism and violence. Finnish and Russian diplomats were killed in terrorist attacks until the 1920s. Many of the officers in Finland actually were
Swedish noblemen - like C. H Mannerheim. The parties in the war were Finland, Russia, Sweden and Germany. At the end, The King and Noblemen lost that war too.
Finland's Third War 1939-1945 against Kingdom of Sweden: It was an attempted coup together with the Nazies. The parties in the war were Finland, Russia, Sweden and the Nazies.
In WWII, Sweden was not neutral: Sweden helped Nazies to occupy Norway and Finland. Finland was forced to be one part of the Nazies Barbarossa -operation. If Finland would not have
provided the Nazies with soldiers, all Finns would have been killed.
Foundational Law of Finland, Form of Government 1919: Democracy, 15§. Treaty of Peace in Paris 1947, Peace with Finland,Part II, Chapter II, Articles 6, 7, 8 and 9 as well
as Law of Finland ("Finnish Jurisdiction") supporting the previously mentioned.
Youtube "One people, One Party – The history about the Swedish Social Democratic Party".
TREATY OF PEACE WITH FINLAND is the most important document in and for the World, protecting democracy as well as all human rights and values. It protect against enemies inside a land as well as enemies outside a land. Beside those who at the time signed it, it is also "sig-ned" by all human beings who died in the war. All civilized well educated human beings, schol-ars, advisors, national security agencies as well as leaders in all countries - United Nations - not to mention media should know and respect it strictly. This is how Treaty of Peace in Paris 1947, Peace with Finland, Part II, Chapter II, Article 6, 7, 8 and 9 looks like.
Treaty of Peace 1947, Treaty of Peace with Finland, Part II, Section II, Article 7
Finland, which in accordance with the Armistice Agreement has taken measures to set free,
irrespective of citizenship and nationality, all persons held in confinement on account of
their activities in favour of, or because of their sympathies with, the United Nations
or because of their racial origin, and to repeal discriminatory legislation and restrictions
imposed thereunder, shall complete these measures and shall in future not take any measures
or enact any laws which would be incompatible with the purposes set forth in this Article.
Treaty of Peace 1947, Treaty of Peace with Finland, Part II, Section II, Article 8
Finland, which in accordance with the Armistice Agreement has taken measures for dissolving
all organisations of a Fascist type on Finnish territory, whether political, military or para-military,
as well as other organisations conducting propaganda hostile to the Soviet Union or to any
of the other United Nations, shall not permit in future the existence and activities of organisations
of that nature which have as their aim denial to the people of their democratic rights.
Treaty of Peace 1947, Treaty of Peace with Finland, Part II, Section II, Article 9
1. Finland shall take all necessary steps to ensure the apprehension and surrender for trial of:
(a) Persons accused of having committed, ordered or abetted war crimes and crimes against peace or humanity;
(b) Nationals of any Allied or Associated Power accused of having violated their national law by treason or
collaboration with the enemy during the war.
2. At the request of the United Nations Government concerned, Finland shall likewise make available as witnesses
persons within its jurisdiction, whose evidence is required for the trial of the persons referred to in paragraph
1 of this Article.
3. Any disagreement concerning the application of the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of
this Article shall be referred by any of the Governments concerned to the Heads of the Diplomatic Missions in Helsinki
of the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, who will reach agreement with regard to the difficulty.
Source : Treaty of Peace, Paris 10 February 1947, Treaty of Peace with Finland
Of Article 6
It reveals that Finland prior 1947, did not have "human rights or fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression,
of press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and of public meeting".
Of Article 7
It reveals that under Swedish/Nazi rule prior 1947, people in Finland was "held in confinement on account
of their activities in favour of, or because of their sympathies with, the United Nations or because of their
racial origin". Swedish leaders co-operated with Nazies. It also reveals, that the war in Finland, was not
between Russia and Finland, but between Nazies in Finland and Russia. The Finns have to choose between providing
Swedes/Nazies with soldiers, or to die as nation in concentration camps.
To be noted: The Finns fought against four enemies in the WWII: Sweden, Nazies, Russia and psychologially against themself; Against their will the Finns were forced to participate in the war on the Nazies side. If the Finns would not have fought, all Finns would have been killed.
Of Article 8
It also reveals, that if any source that by any means have after 1947 spread and/or present time is spreading
propaganda against Finland, Russia, European Nations, United States of America and/or United Nations ("The Aliied"),
or by using propaganda weaken instead of strengthen a nation and/or weaken the realtions in between nations, is a
"war criminal". The source of such propaganda, reveal herself/himself/itself by words and/or actions and can be judged;
Another Cold War and another World War can be prevented.
Finland have right to dissolve any organization in Finland which by evidence - words and/or deeds - have after 1947 denied and/or present time deny or aim to deny people their democratic rights, human rights or fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, of press and publication, of religious worship, of political opinion and of public meeting.
Finland have right to dissolve any organization, that by evidence have spread and/or present time is spreading propaganda against Finland, Russia, European Union, USA and/or United Nations, or by using propaganda weaken instead of strengthen a nation and/or weaken the realtions in between nations.
The World has changed since 1947. Parts of Treaty of Peace 1947, Treaty of Peace with Finland has been renegotiated in between UN, the Allied - present time Russia and Finland included in the Allied (according to the agreement).
Present time everything is evaluated 1947- 2022, and it reveals the source that after 1947 has spread and/or present time is spreading propaganda against [Name_Of_Allied] and/or United Nations, or by using propaganda weaken instead of strengthen a nation and/or weaken the relations in between nations.
Applied according to "Finnish jurisdiction" as mentioned (Article 6):
Treaty of Peace 1947, Treaty of Peace with Finland, Part II, Section II, Article 8 [Name_Of_Allied], which in accordance with the Armistice Agreement has taken measures for dissolving all organisations of a Fascist type on [Name_Of_Allied] territory, whether political, military or para-military, as well as other organisations conducting propaganda hostile to the [Name_Of_Allied] or to any of the other United Nations, shall not permit in future the existence and activities of organisations of that nature which have as their aim denial to the people of their democratic rights.
TO BE NOTED: Treaty of Peace in Paris 10 February 1947, is prior the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 10 December 1948.